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& inspiring you to define yours.

To live inspired, you must allow yourself to be swayed by the beauty & deeply touched by the depths of the flaws of any person, place, or thing you encounter in life.❞

- maggie birkestrand

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making sense of things
Life often fails to make sense, so join me as I try to make it make sense. I discuss problems & provide my ideas for solutions.
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Navigating relationships can be challenging. Let's navigate those various relationships in our lives to include; partners, friends, family, colleagues, roommates, etc.
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life hacks
Life hacks are a fundamental part of managing chronic medical conditions. There is no gate-keeping here! Let my trials & errors help you manage your spoons. I will share hacks will for chronic pain, neurodiversity, & female reproductivity issues.
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Overcoming life's challenges is the journey to becoming your authentic self. I hope my personal experiences, overcoming the many obstacles I have faced, can provide you hope, faith, and understanding that you are not alone on this journey called life. Here I emphasize overcoming life's difficulties mentally, spiritually, emotionally, & physically.
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I love many things about my neuro-spicy brain but it comes with many challenges. My biggest struggle has been trying to navigate a life dominated by the unwritten rules & expectations set for us by neurotypical people. Join me as I reframe my internal narrative & learn to meet my own expectations.
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My mission statement as a parent is to "give my child a childhood they do not need to spend their adulthood recovering from." Here I share my experiences in understanding, healing, learning, & implementing healthy parenting & coping strategies.
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To be inspired you must allow yourself to be swayed by the beauty & touched by the depths that created the flaws of any person, place, or thing you encounter in life. Inspiration is the spark creativity needs to thrive, hopefully, what I have found inspirational can spark the creativity in you.
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Sharing the best resources I have found for various challenges in discovering yourself. These resources include books, self-help, quizzes, questionnaires, & research.
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